Lobsterfest 2

After an exciting night of bowling and a good nights sleep we were ready for lobster. As we got close to the festivities you could hear the drums and the music playing. There were the Garifuna playing their traditional drums as well as a big band playing the steel drums.

There were lots of booths set up selling everything from jewelry to new boats. We did meet our neighbor there who was selling her line of Caribbean spices as well as our salesman for our new truck, but we weren’t there for any of that stuff we were there for the lobster.

Every vendor had a different way to serve lobster, the only problem was how much could we really eat? There was lobster grilled whole, curry, empanadas, tacos, sausage, kabobs, ceviche and just about anything else you could think of. We tried to eat as much as we could, but you combine that with all the beer and the hot sun and you fill up pretty quickly.

After we had our fill of lobster, it was getting very hot there with all the people and all those grills going, so we decided to head down the street to find a place to get a cold beer and some shade. We ended up at the Tipsy Tuna Bar and Grill right on the water. It was a brightly painted building with lots of people and good Caribbean music playing.

We thought we were done with lobster for the day until we saw the one item on the menu that we were all attracted to. The lobster grilled cheese sandwich. We definitely did not need any more lobster, but what the hell, it is called lobsterfest. Now picture this, what looked like four Hawaiian type rolls together as the bread and a  whole lobster tail diced up with a bunch of cheddar cheese inside and then buttered heavily and grilled. In the words of Darren OMG!

We all agreed that this could possibly be the best thing we have ever eaten or ever will. Darren has already requested this for his last breakfast before he leaves, and why not, at breakfast they top it with an egg.

Being the practical people we are we thought we should leave the bar before we couldn’t move anymore. As we were walking we pass a guy with a few coconuts in a wheelbarrow and I asked him if they were for sale. Within a couple of minutes, we were all sipping on fresh coco water.

Now that we have walked at least 100 yards down the beach and rehydrated, up pops another beach bar. After a few more drinks we thought it was time we should leave before we saw another lobster special on the menu that we just couldn’t pass up.

All day we had been looking for a painting for the new house. There was one that we liked so before we left we went back and made an offer. It was accepted and now we have a beautiful painting of a toucan. We were actually looking for a painting of an iguana, but we did see some that the same artist had painted before so it looks like we might commission him to paint one. And besides that, he actually lives right up by us.

Overall Lobsterfest was good, but not like the big one they have over in San Pedro with the big parades and competitions, but then again we did not stay up until 4:00 am when it ended. Next year I think we will have to make the trip out to the island to get the full experience of lobsterfest.

After a long day like that what better way to cool off and relax than to sit in a pool overlooking the Caribbean.

Oh, and I almost forgot about our nightcap. Darren had sampled a bunch of locally made rums and had bought a bottle to take home. It is very good rum, but sometimes I think it’s the name that sells it.

One thought on “Lobsterfest 2”

  1. Love the Toucan….. not a fan of Rum, but can see the attraction 😆😆

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