It’s finally starting to dry out around here after what seemed like a very long, wet few months. As I’m writing this the temps are around 90° during the days and the nights are in the 60°s, which is perfect for me. With this great weather, there are a lot more critters moving around. We are seeing toucans around the house almost daily, plus lots of other birds that are hopping around in the trees.

For the past couple of weeks, there have been two or possibly three kinkajous in the trees above the house and back deck. They are usually nocturnal and we can hear them in the trees making noises all night long. The past couple of days they have been out just before it got dark, which allowed Kelley to get a few pictures of them. We love seeing all the animals and birds so close to the house, but they make a big mess on the deck and the truck which I have to hose off every day.

As we pulled into the driveway last week, there was a nice sized green iguana just sitting on the stoop in front of the garage where we usually set our chairs. Kelley was able to get out of the truck and snap a few pictures of her before she ran off. She was only 2 1/2-3 feet long, hopefully, she will hang around and we will see her later this year once she has grown to full size.

I was walking across the driveway the other day and there was a beautiful, harmless Parrot snake just sitting there very still. We rarely see snakes around here and when we do they usually just scurry off. This three foot parrot snake just sat still in the driveway with his head up waiting for Kelley to get the camera and take his picture. We finally had to poke at him to get him to move along.

Besides all the cool animals, the warm weather is also bringing out other types of critters. Just about every day we’re removing big black scorpions from the garage. Then the other night I went to roll up the door on the garage and there was a big, black Red Rump Tarantula in the corner. We got a few pictures of him and then shuffled him outside.

After all the rains we’ve had and now a couple of weeks with warm sunny days, everything is in bloom. Our coffee plants are almost completely white with flowers and have a very sweet aroma to them. The star fruit tree is almost all purple with blossoms everywhere. The citrus trees are starting to bloom and the avocados are also getting flowers. After all the trimming we did on the dragon fruit, it’s growing like crazy and should start fruiting in a couple of months.

We’re finally getting some citrus off our trees. Our local orange tree had quite a few fruit on it this year. They are all ripening, but before we can get to them the parrots are pecking at them and knocking them off the trees. Which leaves a big mess of half-eaten oranges all over the ground. So we had to pick as many as we could before they got to all of them. These local oranges are a bit sour but are great to flavor water, tea, marinade meat or even with a little rum. Okay, they’re really sour, so maybe a lot of rum and a splash of juice.

Our grapefruit tree has a bunch of big fruit on it this year that are just about ripe. The tree is grafted with white and pink grapefruit and will produce both. In the past, we’ve gotten a couple nice pink grapefruit off of it, but this time these all seem to be the white variety.

The trees we planted on our farm lot a couple of years ago are already starting to produce. We just picked a handful of Mandarin Oranges that are very delicious. Some of our other citrus like Valencia oranges, lemons and ruby grapefruit are just starting to get blossoms. Hopefully, in a couple of years, we will have more citrus than we can handle.

The Custard Apples are finally ripe. This year the tree only had a dozen or so, but at least we got to them before the birds did. Custard Apples are native to Central and South America and are rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and can boost your immune system. The fruit itself has a creamy texture, somewhat like custard with a sweetness to it. Usually, they are not available in the export markets because they do not travel well. If you’re ever in Belize during custard apple season, it’s a fruit that you have to try.

We’ve also got about 60 baseball size pineapples on plants so far, with more popping up weekly. In total we’ve got about 250-300 pineapple plants, and whatever doesn’t fruit this year should next year. It’s looking like we should have an abundance of different fruits from the garden this year.

We just picked our first decent amount of black peppercorns. In the past, we’ve picked a small amount, and it was just enough for us to get a taste of it. This time once we dried them, there was enough to fill up a pepper grinder or two. The pepper plants are getting bigger and producing more every year, so hopefully in the future we should harvest enough where we won’t have to buy black pepper anymore.

All the cayenne pepper plants we put in a couple of months ago are doing great and are just about ready to start picking. In a few weeks we have a bunch of habaneros and poblano plants that will be ready to go in the ground. The cayennes we will use to make some fermented pepper sauce, the habaneros will get dried for some habanero salt and the poblanos will make some great chili rellenos.

Our okra plants are doing very well and need to be picked every other day. I know a lot of people are not fans of okra, but we are. Kelley pickles them with some habaneros, and it is delicious. Then you can’t forget using it in gumbo or frying some in bread crumbs which is always good. Kelley likes it just sautéed in butter and eaten plain. I’m not a big fan of it that way, but the other ways are great.

We’ve been busy running a hundred and twenty feet of new water line out to the clearing behind the house. During the dry season our hoses won’t reach without connecting a couple together to water some of the plants we put out there. Besides making it easier to water, we are going to plant another 10-12 cacao trees out there that we currently have growing in pots. Do we need more trees producing chocolate, probably not. But you never know.

For the past two months leading up to St. Patrick’s Day, we’ve made 37 corned beef briskets that averaged 4lbs. each. Most of them went to repeat customers from last year with a few going to some who just found out about them. We only make these available this time of year, even though we’ve had requests throughout the year. Besides a few restaurants serving it, we’re the only ones making them for people to take home and cook themselves. Otherwise, the only other corned beef option down here comes in a small can at the supermarket. So when we do let people know we have corned beef briskets available, they go fast.

Lobster season is now closed in Belize until July 1st. The spring is a good time to visit here, but if you are looking to get your fill of lobster, you’ll have to wait a few months. Come July when the season opens back up, Placencia, San Pedro and Caye Caulker all host a big Lobsterfest right on the shores of the Caribbean. Of course, it’s a big party with live music, dancing, cold drinks and more lobster dishes than you can imagine. If this sounds like something that might interest you, maybe a bunch of us could get together and meet up for one of the Lobsterfest, it would be a blast!
That’s about it for now. Hope to see you soon.