Back to it

Our vacation down to Hopkins and Placencia for lobsterfest has come to an end. We have had a great time seeing our good friends, Darren, Lalani, Marguerite, Carol, Rob, and Rob’s son Andy from Cholla down here in Belize, but now it is time for us to get back down to business. The first thing we need to do is to get all the wood ordered for the house. They should have the septic and all the cement post done and be ready to start on the framing this week. And of course, our quest for internet will continue until we figure out our best options.

Kelley, Darren, Rob, Carol, Marguerite, Lalani and Andy. Cholla South.

At this point we will not be posting very much until we can get the internet all figured out, so please bear with us. Have fun wherever your travels take you this summer and remember, Life is a journey, enjoy the ride!

One thought on “Back to it”

  1. Love spending Belizean time with you and all our lobsters festival friends! Been an amazing 2 weeks of fun! Love your new jungle living home ! Paradise! Love Rob and Carol

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