Finally a decent internet connection

Sorry for the delay but we are still working on very minimal internet connections. Anyway, let me back up to how our first week went.

It turns out that the red Mahindra we ordered will not be there for a couple more weeks, but they did have a silver one we could take now if we wanted. In the meantime, if we hold out for the red one they will give us a loaner at no charge. You can’t beat that deal….or can you? I guess the next shipment in a couple of weeks will be the 2019 models instead of the 2018 we ordered. All we could think was, oh great what is the price difference on the new model? Turns out that there is no difference in price. So if we wait for two weeks we get a free loaner and a year model upgrade all at no extra cost. Sounds like we will be holding out for the red one.

Ours until the red one shows up

Once we had the truck it was time to head towards San Ignacio to get a bed so that we would not have to spend our first night sleeping on the floor of the new casita. After that was all taken care of it was off to meet our friends Rob & Carol from Cholla, who have been on a multi-month road trip through Mexico. After a lot of catching up and a few beers, it was off to the property to wait for our new bed to arrive. Rob & Carol followed us out to check it out and see just how crazy we really are. It was great hanging with them and catching up and sharing all the adventures we have all had in the last few months. I think they will be hanging around for awhile to see what Belize is all about, plus it is lobsterfest starting next week, and who wouldn’t want to go to that?

Rob, Carol, Kelley & Dave

The new king bed arrived and got all set up so we were good for our first nights sleep in our new place. First of all, it is very dark out here at night, I mean very dark. It rained all night which made for an excellent nights sleep with all the windows open.

The new king size bed

Other things needed to make this work for the next three months was a fridge-freezer, bbq plus a clothes washer. At this point the only practical place for the washer was on the porch, after all that’s how most of the houses around here have them. As for the dryer it is one of those fancy solar powered ones, which is just rope between two trees. Whatever works for now.

Tiny washing machine on the porch

After a big run around we finally got a fridge with water and ice on the door, which is very uncommon down here. Our water here is very good so once we hook it up to the fridge we will have great ice and cold water. Of course the fridge would not fit through the door so off come the handles and then the front door to the house.Β  This will all happen again once the other house is done and it gets moved over there. In the meantime it is stocked with all the essentials. Oh and did I mention that the stairs were also too narrow, so it had to come over the rail.

We will be adding food, but for now this is all we had.

Rob and Carol headed over to San Pedro for Lobsterfest, we will catch up with them next week in Placencia for their lobsterfest.

Rio On Pools

Darren arrived the other day to check out his property and to head to Lobsterfest this weekend with us. After a coupe of days of dragging Darren around getting stuff and arranging for stuff to happen we thought it was time for some fun.Β  So off to Rio On Pools where we could sit in the cool water and chill out for a bit.

Chill’n in the pools

They have started on the big house, and jumped in at full speed. We arranged for the backhoe to dig our septic and spread out some more gravel around the house. Lots of block has been delivered for the septic along with two dump trucks of gravel, a bunch of rebar and a ton of cement. All the footers for the house are dug and come next week we will be ordering all the lumber. Overall it has been a very busy first week here.

Lots of supplies
Our new home for the next few months

After all that work we decided that we should head towards Placencia a day early and spend the night in Hopkins. Of course we would have to stop at Bertha’s TamalesΒ  on the way for the best tamales in Belize. After that we need to stop at the Marie Sharp’s factory in Hopkins for some tasting and to stock up on sauces. Of course we had to gather up a bunch just to fill up the new fridge.

So many choices
Darren and Marie

After checking into Jungle Jeanie’s it was time for a few cold beers and a dip in the warm Caribbean ocean, then we needed to find something to eat.

Here comes Kelley with some cold Belikin’s

Since lobster season had just started… we had lobster on our minds. We found a little spot that offered grilled and stuffed lobster, so we had to give them both a try. The grilled lobster was great as well as the shrimp stuffed lobster. We are all very full right now ,but we are all still looking forward to tomorrow when Lobsterfest starts in Placencia.

Lobster stuffed with shrimp.



5 thoughts on “Finally a decent internet connection”

  1. Wow, love the car/truck, very cool! Beer, bed, washer…all the comforts of home πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ Had no idea Darren bought property there also😎😎. Very impressed with how fast things are coming together for you guys.
    Enjoy the lobster and friends πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜€πŸ˜€

  2. Maneuvering that fridge into the house over the railing sounded awful…but at least it looks stocked excellently! The guest house nestled into the tropical foliage looks so amazing. I am pumped for you guys and can’t wait to come visit.

  3. Wow! It’s really happening! Good for you guys. Your property is looking great. We hope to visit some time. I am up for a 2 month sabbatical after this November πŸ™‚

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