Our first couple of days in Belize this time mostly consisted of getting business done and out of the way. Off to the hardware store to order water pipes and all the fittings so that water could get run into the property to where the house will be. Ruben got started as soon as the pipes showed up and we now have a 2″ water line run into the property.

Next it was off to the bank to try again to open a Belizean bank account. Of course we needed more copies of our documents and such, so off to the copy store. We have been trying get an account open the last three times we have been down there and every time we seemed to be missing one document. This time we think we finally had everything in order because they accepted our papers and will hopefully let us know in a couple of months. A few years ago it was easy for non-residents to open a bank account in Belize, but since then US banks have made it more difficult because of possible money laundering. Hopefully we will hear back soon that we are accepted.

Other things to get out of the way was paying our water bill. Last year we had about 1700′ of 2 ” water pipe run out to the property where they deliver good potable water. Our water bill comes out to $5 usd per month for unlimited water, not too shabby.

We met Ruben out at the property where he was working on a burn pile from the second clearing that he had cleared last time we were there. While he was working on that we scouted another spot for a small cabin. We found a great spot about 100′ behind where the main house will be and no big trees would have to be removed. We explained to Ruben our idea for the clearing and he went to work with his trusty machete.

The next day when we came back Ruben had a beautiful groomed trail all cut in and a clearing that is better than we could have imagined. The clearing is about 30′ x 30′ set in the middle of a circle of palm trees and big rocks that go deep into the ground. I think this spot was calling us, it seems to be very special.

The property is really starting to take shape, with three spots cleared for small structures. All that and Ruben has made a nice walking trail around the perimeter of the whole ten acres all while keeping it as natural as possible. And still no snake sightings.

Other big news that we got while we were there was that our attorney in Belize City called. After 6 months of waiting we finally got our business license. We don’t know exactly what we are going to do yet, but we have some ideas. According to the paperwork we can do just about anything you can imagine. So “Wicked Toucan” is now officially on the books in Belize. Now we just need to find someone who can design a logo for us.
Gee I know a young lady (well, not so young anymore ) that did a great job of EVC. So happy for your progress. Well, you and Ruben.
The property looks great. Progress is being made. That must make you well really good, getting things done!!!!
I know two people who design logos and such. I’ll try to find their phone number for you.
If it’s the ones I’m thinking of, I heard they are flaky artist and never around.
The property is looking sharp. I need to get a Ruben to do some work around my house. That guy is industrious as all get out.
The coffee is kicking in hard this morning so here is my pitch for Wicket Toucan: a small hostel for expat travelers that is also a brewery. Who doesn’t like beer.
oh and 12 oz bag of organic artisan coffee is selling for $18 up here. So you could import that.
Sounds like a great idea! You know you will have to come down and help set it up and become the brew master. And with all the exotic fruits the flavor possibilities are endless.
I am in. I assume the gig pays all I can drink and a free room?
It looks great! As far as a “Wild Toucan” logo goes….I’m pretty handy with an Etcha-Sketch!
Let’s see what you’ve got.