Almost didn’t happen

4:30 am and headed to the Phoenix airport, only to find out that our flight to Houston has been canceled. We had to be in Houston by 2:00 for the once a day flight down to Belize. The crew at Southwest checked and checked only to find out that there was nothing available for the next three days that would get us there in time, not even on other airlines. At this point I suggested that we just cancel the trip and reschedule later in the year. After about 45 minutes of a lot of button pushing and talking to other employees they had a solution for us, but it was going to be tight. We were to run to the gate to catch a flight to Dallas where we were to be first on the plane so we could be the first ones off. Once in Dallas we were the first ones off and running. After a total of 7 minutes rushing through the Dallas airport we were on a plane to Houston where we were once again first on so we could be the first ones off. After landing in Houston we rushed off to catch the plane headed for Belize. What a relief it was to sit down on that flight knowing that we made it. The employees at Southwest Airlines went out of their way to make sure we could catch all our flights. Upon arriving in Belize,  we got our rental car, drove up to where we were staying and then off to one of our favorite places for a bucket of cold Belikin. At that point we think we deserved it.

4 thoughts on “Almost didn’t happen”

  1. Lucky you weren’t busted by TSA for running in the airport.
    We love Southwest AL.

    1. It did look a little suspicious when we came running out the jetway and no one was behind us.

  2. Luckily it wasn’t United airlines… You would probably driving back to Bedrock. Can’t wait to come visit. See you later.
    Bob with one “O”

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