Rock’n it on the island

This Toucan seemed exceptionally large.

The Toucans are back! It’s been a few months since we’ve seen or heard any Toucans around here. The wild fruits in the trees are starting to ripen so hopefully, they will be around for a while. It’s always exciting when you hear their call and then you look up and see a big colorful Toucan hopping around in the trees. Usually, there are at least two of them, and a couple of times we’ve seen 6-8 in the same tree.

Once again, some great pictures by Kelley.

The garden is still constantly providing bananas and pineapples. The plums, okra, coffee, and cacao are also starting to ripen. Then there’s the habaneros that just keep giving and giving. We just keep drying them and making a spicy salt that we seem to put on everything.

We’ve been picking a couple hundred habaneros a week recently.

We have had quite a few dragon fruits this year and should have a lot more next year with all the new plants we put in. Up to this point, all our dragon fruit has been the beautiful deep purple ones. But I guess one of the plants produces white dragon fruit. The white one was very good, but I think the purple one was a little sweeter.

White and red dragon fruit.

Darren made a quick trip down here to check on the progress of his jungle home. It’s coming along quite nicely. The beautiful wood ceiling is up and the outside has all the insulation and zinc roof in place. The whole house is also completely wired and waiting for lights and outlets.

The blue roof is looking good against that green jungle.

Next step is the final smooth plaster coat and to get some paint on the walls. After that, it’s time to get the tile down and install some doors and windows. Of course, there will still be a lot of other things such as a deck out front, cabinets, furniture and appliances, but by sometime next year he should be enjoying his new home.

The ceiling inside is all hardwood.

Darren wasn’t here just to check on his house, he was also here for a little island time out in San Pedro. The main reason we were going to San Pedro was to see Jim Dalton of the Railbenders and the lead guitarist for Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers. Along with Jim Dalton, another great band from Arizona (The Jons) were there. Also, Mike Nash was at the show but didn’t play because he’d been busy at other venues.

Jim Dalton and The Jons at the 303 in Belize.

They played three great nights at the new 303 dock bar. 303 is the area code for the Denver Colorado area, so the bar is ski-themed with snow skis and ski paraphernalia everywhere. Some of the tables are even made to look like ski lifts. It was a perfect venue for Jim since he’s from Colorado.

Amanda and Kelley, ready to go see the show.

The crowd there was great, most people we talked to were big fans of Jim and Roger Clyne plus a lot were from Arizona and go to Cholla Bay, Mexico where we used to live. It was great being at a beach bar in Belize talking to so many people that had so much in common. This was Jim’s first trip here and he said that he loved Belize and will definitely be back and the Jons said the same thing.

Amanda, Jim & Kelley. I guarantee there was no tequila.

After talking to everyone about how we had been following Roger since the beginning and his house was around the corner from us in Mexico, the rep for Roger’s Cancion Tequila came over and gave me a bottle to take home, you can’t beat that!

Roger Clyne’s Cancion Tequila is in Belize. Where’s Roger?

Of course the shows weren’t the only things to do while we were on the island. There was plenty of time to be in the water, bar hopping, and of course enjoying all the good food.

Amanda, Kathy, Paul, Darren, Kelley and me enjoying a day in the water at Secret Beach.

We also caught up with Coconut Leo for a picture. Leo is island-famous for climbing coconut trees and getting coconuts for tourists, plus he never fails to put on a show. Sometimes he will even climb up a tourist.

Amanda, Ray, Michael, Darren, Leo, Dave & Kelley hanging at the Palapa Bar.

Leo wanted to put on a show for us, so he climbed the tallest tree around, picked some coconuts and then slid back down the tree upside down. But the show wasn’t over yet. He proceeded to put on a blindfold and hack the coconuts open for us with a big machete. Leo has muscles upon muscles and is very agile for a 57 year old guy. No wonder he’s famous out on the island.

Crazy Coconut Leo sliding down from the tree.

It was an awesome weekend with our friends Paul, Kathy, Amanda, Darren, and Michael. Plus we met a lot of new friends that follow all that great music and I’m sure we will see them again somewhere.

Here’s to old friends, new friends, and a great weekend of music!

Jim Dalton, The Jons, and Mike Nash have all been to Puerto  Peñasco and Cholla Bay many times. Maybe they will start putting Belize on their list as a place they want to regularly play. If that happens, then hopefully we’ll see some of you down here for a Caribbean beach show with some of the best musicians around.