Our last couple of days in Belize, this time

Local market in San Ignacio
Local market in San Ignacio

Let’s see, I’ll just cram the last few days together. Headed out to the property early morning and Tony already had most of the stumps removed and the road leveled.

Removing the stumps on the new road and smoothing it out.
Removing the stumps on the new road and smoothing it out.
A cool spot under the palms where the first casita will be
A cool spot under the palms where the first casita will be

Tony had that under control so we decided to head out in search of the ever elusive culvert, but being Sunday we knew nothing would be open. After looking around for most of the afternoon and not finding anyone open we decided to head back out to the property. To our suprise Tony already had at least 7 loads of what they call White Maul dumped on the road in. At this point it was already 5pm and he showed no signs of quiting until he had it all down and leveled out. I’ve got to say, these guys down here are hard workers.

Getting ready to make it an all season road
Getting ready to make it an all season road

On our way out we stopped at the little store in San Antonio for some cold water, in their freezer they had Choco Bananas, frozen bananas covered in chocolate on a stick (no wrapers, just a pile of them in their freezer section) so of course we had to have one. It was the best banana we’ve ever had. I went back into the store to ask the gal if she made them, she said no but her aunt did make them from their plants they have growing at their house. The chocolate coating did not melt and was not too sweet, so I’m pretty sure she also made that from her cocoa plants. We were telling Ruben how good they were and he asked me if I had tried the chocolate covered pineapple covered with peanuts. Definitely something to try next time.

Best frozen banana ever
Best frozen banana ever

That evening we headed into San Ignacio for some pizza and beer and ended up at Yoli’s. Sort of a street side place in the middle of the town square, kids playing in the pop up fountains, families enjoying a meal and young kids just being kids. A great place to sit, have a beer and people watch.

We don't know the name of this flower yet, so for now we will call it the Beautiful Jellyfish
Passion fruit flower we found on the property

The next day, being Labor day we knew everyone would be closed with the exception of Spanish Lookout where the Mennonite’s live. So off to seek out the culvert pipe that seems to be impossible to find. We headed down to the river to take the hand crank ferry across the river.

The fun way to get across the river to Spanish Lookout
The fun way to get across the river to Spanish Lookout

There is another way to get to Spanish lookout but the river ferry is just a lot more fun.

Yeah!!! We found a culvert, 18″ x 20′, just a little to big to put on the top of our Jeep. Good news is that they have free delivery on Tuesday and Thursdays. So Thursday the driveway into the property will have a culvert drain pipe installed.

A clearing under the palms for the first casita
Nice spot for a house

Finally met one of our neighbors. Last year we noticed a truck and travel trailer with AZ plates, not a common site in the Belizean jungle. After a couple dozen drive-by’s we we finally saw someone outside, so we thought we should introduce ourselves and let them know that we were also from Arizona. Turns out she is a 70 year old single gal from Prescott who drove her truck and trailer down herself. Her name is Pamela and she was a realtor in Prescott for many years. A very nice gal who still has property in north Prescott, but has no plans on returning. Her place is right on the river and said we can use the river access anytime whether she is there or not.

The finished road
The finished road

Well to sum it up, we had a great vacation with the kids and Luke and also managed to get a lot of work done on the property. We now have water run to the property, a great road in with a culvert and are working on getting a price to run power.

Our new road for our jungle home
Our new road for our jungle home

Well, that’s about it for this episode of Bedrock to Belize. Hope you enjoyed it.


9 thoughts on “Our last couple of days in Belize, this time”

  1. So exciting watching the process and your journey! Looks amazing and great progress! We miss you here in Bedrock In Cholla!! Safe travels and see you soon here in your other home!!

  2. Coming together nicely! Glad you met the neighbor now too. Fruit is good for Dave’s diet. Maybe the road and water will make is seem not soooo crazy…. XOXOX

  3. Love the picture of the fruit…the one with the big banana…Okay, it’s Dave! Ha! What a cool road to where your future house will be. What a fun trip too 🙂 Nice house pose Kelly!! I can imagine it perfectly. When is the next trip?

  4. Wow !! You got a lot completed (no pun intended) in a short time!! Looking great !! See ya soon !

  5. OMG, a really great adventure! And such a future to look forward too!
    We are all jealous, but thanks so much for letting us live it with!
    Lois & Jeff
    P.S. All is good in Choya, except we miss you!

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