An early morning start of fresh fruit and cookies to get us going and we were on the road. Our destination was Placencia which is about a three hour drive. We made our way towards Belomopan where we topped off the fuel tank (regular gas was about $5 US a gallon) before we started the drive down the Hummingbird Highway towards the coast. The Hummingbird Highway is one of the most scenic drives in Belize, passing through jungles, citrus orchards, small villages and crossing rivers.

I said in a previous post that next time we were driving that way we would never “not stop” at Bertha’s tamales if they were open, and they were open this time. Bertha’s tamales are unlike any Mexican or US tamale, they are wrapped in a banana leave till you order and have smooth creamy masa, some kind of good sauce and a piece of chicken inside. Just delicious!
After a quick stop we were back on the road and headed towards the coast. As we approached Placencia Jim made a phone call to the caretaker of a boat that he wanted to look at. It was a beautiful 43′ Powercat, docked on the lagoon side of Placencia. After a tour and inspection of the boat we were out for a test drive. We didn’t count on going for a boat ride that day, but it was a nice surprise.

Around the docks there were iguanas everywhere. The care taker said that he has to wash the boat down every day because the iguanas would climb on and shit everywhere. Not a problem most of us are use to, seagulls and pelicans maybe, but not iguanas.

After checking out the boat it was off to the Pickled Parrot for a cold drink and a bite to eat. The owner started up a conversation with us. Turns out he was a truck driver and his wife was a school teacher up in the states. One day they saw an ad for a palapa bar for sale in Belize, came down and bought it. That was five years ago and they are still living the dream.

Headed back towards San Ignacio where we stopped for some dinner at Tandoor’s and of course a bucket or two of Belkin. Tandoor’s is an Indian food restaurant that has good curry, along with a vast variety of other stuff. Between us we had shrimp pasta, lamb, and of course some curry. Always good food and a fun place to sit and people watch.