After a good nights sleep and a good breakfast it was off to to the airport to say goodbye to the island.

We boarded our small plane for what we thought was a direct flight, turned out we had three other stops before we landed in Belize City where we would pick up our rental car. This year we rented a 2014 Jeep Patriot, by far the best car we have ever rented in Belize. Now as we settled into our new ride it was off to more new adventures. As we got up towards San Ignacio we discovered that they were having a heat wave, we’re talking 100°F or more, something we’ve never experienced there. We checked into Crystal Paradise and then headed out to the property so the kids could check it out.

Last time we were here they were working on the main dirt road out to the property. The work they have done in the last six months is amazing, I do believe it is one of the best roads in the entire country and it’s not even paved, but their plan is to have it paved by November.

Made our way out to the small road into the property, some of the grasses on the road were still as high as the hood of the car but I knew there was a good solid road beneath so onward we went. As we pulled up on the property entrance we could see that much of the plants had grown back since we were there last. Let’s just say Randy and Stacy were not impressed and though we were crazy for doing this, and I think Stacy even prayed for us that night.

It was a very long hot night without any a/c in our rooms, usually it is very mild temps here and no need for a/c. So the next day we asked if they had a couple rooms with a/c and they did so we all moved and everything is much more comfortable now.
Ruben went to work on it the next morning cutting and piling everything up for a burn pile. When we went to check on him later that day he had all the cuttings burned and about ready for gravel. I think this time the kids could more clearly see our vision and not think we were as crazy, but I still think they think we are. What the hell, we’re adults and we can be crazy if we want to.

Earlier in the day we met with the home builder again and got a more accurate price for the first house that will be built. Also met with the guy in charge of the water company and got him paid and ready to run the water to the property. We also pre-paid for a years worth of water service, which comes out to be $5 a month for unlimited water. Not a bad deal.

Went and visited the local butterfly farm, it was an amazing thing to see if you have never been to one.

There were over 2,000 butterflies and 15 different species. The tour guide said that every day they have to collect the eggs and tend to the different stages of the hatch until they are ready to become butterflies. Lots of hard everyday work, but worth it.

Also took Luke to the iguana sanctuary where he got to feed and pet all different sizes of friendly iguanas. He seemed to like the bigger ones better than the smaller ones, maybe because the smaller ones were crawling all over him.

Luke is having the time of his life, seeing all the wildlife, running around and playing with other kids. What a great little travel buddy.
There is a lot more stories to be told, but the Internet here is not the fastest so we can fill you more over a cold Tecate when we get back to Cholla.
Looks like you are having a great trip so far, love following your blog and pictures, have fun on your adventure, see you back in cholla later this month! terri and tom
Great photos…you guys, crazy??? Nawww. ??
Trip of a lifetime for Luke ??
Cool waterfall! Luke is adorable!!!!
Stay cool my friends – drink Belikin!
Thanks for updates and photos. We’re all loving them.
Sounds like your having a great time with Luke
Your “direct” flight story is an old airline trick. Direct means no change of planes, Non Stop means no stops!