Woke up early to the sound of all the parrots squawking outside (parrots are very loud especially when there is a bunch of them). Being Saturday we thought we would head on over to the San Ignacio market for some fresh fruit and maybe a bite to eat. Although the market is open every day, Saturday is the busiest day when everyone comes out to sell their wares and to shop.

You can find just about anything at the market including homemade bread, cheese, honey, natural lotions, spices, meats, all kind of fruits and vegetables and even some local homemade wines. We picked out some bananas, pineapples and star fruit that would be our breakfast for the next couple of days. One of the tables was sampling some local fruit juices that this guy and a friend from England were making. It was so good that we ended up buying two different bottles to enjoy later that evening. Okay…Okay…the bottles might have said wine, but isn’t wine really just fruit juice? So our day starts off with wine tasting, nothing wrong with that!

After a quick bite it was off to Spanish Lookout to visit the hardware store and to stop in an Internet provider to see what can be done to get service out to our property. Of course just for the fun of it we had to take the ferry back across the river. This time there was no one on the ferry selling anything, and I was really looking forward to some more watermelon slices or some hot corn in a bag.

The day was still early, so back out to the property to meet with Ruben to see how he’s doing and to get the quote for the first casita. Last trip down Ruben was telling us that his son Justin is starting high school and will be needing a laptop computer. He said that the computers there are very expensive and the used, refurbished ones just don’t last. We said that we will take a look around in the states and if we find a good deal we will bring one down next trip. We managed to find a killer deal on a brand new Dell laptop with everything he should ever need. We worked out a deal where he just keeps our place all trimmed and looking good until we get back and no money will have to exchange hands. Later that day Justin emailed us sincerely thanking us for the computer. Hopefully this will help to advance his education. Come to think of it, Ruben does have a pen full of young chickens, maybe this could have been part of the deal.

After that we thought we should take Darren and Bonnie to our nearest watering hole, Da Malfunction Junction. It’s only about a mile or two from our place and has ice cold beer and the best joke teller around. Brian, the young kid running the place, always seems to have a few good jokes to keep us entertained. Something happened to his big book of jokes so he’s a little short on new material. We’ll keep an eye out for a replacement book to take down to him next time. Anyone got an old joke book laying around you don’t need?

By now it was time to head back toward San Ignacio to CK’s Sports Bar for a bite to eat. It just so happens that the Belikin Beer models were doing a calendar signing later that evening. You really think I didn’t know that, I’d been on top of this for a couple weeks now, after all I have got a few calendars in the past. This year they seem to have a little tighter grip on the calendars, but we did still manage to get one signed for Darren, Randy and of course myself. Miss January and Miss October were very polite, friendly and of course very beautiful.

We did make one more stop at Remo’s for a night cap since it is real close to where we were staying. Just another day in Belize.

The calendar is hanging in my boathouse, you should come down and check it out.
Nice trip! No close up of the calendar girl pictures?