Hurricane Earl hits Belize

Last night category 1 Hurricane Earl hit Belize. Lots of damage out on the islands and the coastal mainland. Extensive flooding from rain and storm surges. Hard to believe we were just there a few months ago.
By the time the storm got up to where our property is, the winds had died down and they were expected to get a few inches of rain. When we were considering Belize as our new home, hurricanes were one of our major concerns. This is one of the reasons we chose to be up in the mountainous jungle.
Hopefully everyone is okay and it is mostly just property damage, which can all be rebuilt.

The dock at Ramon's Village where we stayed.
.The dock at Ramon’s Village where we stayed.
San Pedro, Belize
San Pedro, Belize
San Pedro
San Pedro

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8 thoughts on “Hurricane Earl hits Belize”

  1. Wow the pics tell the story. Fortunately your property is ok. Hoping property damage is the only outcome and all lives were spared.

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