We are heading back to Belize early Monday morning for 10 days. Lots and lots of business and loose ends to tie up. Wednesday we are meeting with the home builder to get started on the first small casita. He is from the local village and comes highly recommended by quite a few people we talked to. He will be able to build on site and hopefully have it done in a few months. The good thing is that Ruben will be able to check on it every day and maybe even help. This is good because we have talked to Ruben about what we expect plus he can give us updates as it happens. We will also be meeting with the window shop, lumber mills, hardware store, electric company, water company, internet company and of course the bank.
The good thing is that most businesses close at 5 and that just happen to be when happy hour starts. So we will work hard all day, but come 5 o’clock I guarantee we will be sitting in front of a cold bucket of Belikin beer somewhere.
Like I mentioned, there is a lot of loose ends to tie up and not just in Belize but in the states and Mexico. Reason being is that there is an offer on our house in Cholla that we have accepted. Just going through the procedure now, but if all goes well, we will be on our way very soon.
Listening to Kelly McGuire (he sings a lot of songs about Belize) and this is one verse that struck me. “Reality’s fine, but I ain’t got the time”. Sounds good to us!
Very cool! Your Cholla house looks great…pavers and all. I guess it’s been a looong time since we were down there.