Still not a lot of exciting stuff happening around here, just working and getting all the never-ending projects done. The big project of the week was to build a trash receptacle for our cans to keep all the critters out. Hopefully, this will do the trick because it seems like all of a sudden it is possum season here.

Besides seeing a lot of dead possums on the road they are all around the house, in fact, we see them almost every night. We are also seeing a jaguarundi and some agouties around here, but I don’t think they are the ones bothering the trash.

I don’t know if it is the red color of the cabinets or what, but we seem to be getting hummingbirds inside the house. Just a while ago there was a big blue and white one buzzing around inside the house and the other day Kelley rescued a very small one from inside the bathroom window. They also frequent the garage, but when I’m in the back working and they come right up to my face, it sort of freaks me out when you are not expecting it.

We met Craig and Monica a few months ago and they were looking for a piece of land to build a small house on. We invited them out to our place, just to see what we had done and to see what our builder could do if they ever needed him. Well, long story short, there was someone on our road who was looking to sell and now Craig and Monica are building just up the road from us, using Ruben, Antonio and some of the others who built our place. It will be great having them here even if is just a couple times a year.

Dan and Brandy are also just up the road, and they are usually here for a few months at a time. It’s shaping up to become a great little group of people here in the hood. What do you think Darren, maybe a small building on your property soon?

As they are digging the septic and footers at Monica and Craig’s they are finding lots of broken Mayan pottery and a grinding stone so far. We know that we are right in the middle of the Mayan empire and there are artifacts all around us, but we have never looked or dug around our place to see what we might discover.

So the other day Kelley goes out to the big pile of dirt they dug out for our septic and started looking around. Believe it or not, she found a big tooth from what we thought was from a very big cat. It was about 4” long, it felt petrified and was fully intact. It wasn’t the artifact she was looking for, but it really was a tooth from a cat, a CAT backhoe. I guess Tony must have lost a tooth on his bucket when he was digging out the septic. Can you imagine someone 1,000 years from now finding this and trying to figure out what it was from?

We finally had the chance to break out the disco and fry up some fish. The only kind of fish we could find locally was some flash frozen tilapia fillets. Now I can’t remember the last time we ate freshwater fish, it was good and everyone seemed to enjoy it, but it just wasn’t that good saltwater fish we are so used to. I think a fishing trip to the coast is in order soon so we can get some real fish.

At the fish fry, David and Anita had brought his drone out for a little fun flying. Here are a couple of stills that I pulled from his video. The first one is looking down on the houses and the second one is looking east from our place.

A couple of weeks ago Ruben had cut another 100’ where we have the fruit trees now, that way we could plant some more variety of trees and get a garden going. Everything dried quickly so it was now time to get it burned. It always scares us when he burns, but he knows what he is doing and all went according to plan. Next week he will cut the bigger pieces that didn’t burn all the way, pile them up, do one more burn and then we should be ready for more trees in about a month. So now the search is on for trees. Hopefully, we can find some good ones like Cashew nut, Kiwi, Peach, Plum or even some other exotic fruits.

We finally decided on the kitchen island so it is being made by the same guy who did our kitchen cabinets and front door. The granite is also picked out and being cut and everything should be done in a few weeks. Which will make Kelley very happy to have more cabinets and a bigger work area in the kitchen.
Just FYI, it looks like you can fly round trip from Phoenix to Belize for around $500 on SW until June then it looks like it jumps to around $800 and doesn’t go back down until late August. The weather is great and airfares are good, what are you waiting for?
Thanks, as for the tequila we brought that with us. For some reason, tequila is very expensive in Belize.
Another great post. Life is good!
Brad & Carol
Well, you’re certainly drinking good tequila!
Great aerial photos btw.