This posting will be nothing more than a bunch of random things we saw or did on our last visit to Belize. Since this is the beginning of a new year, what better way to start than with a score of a couple of Belikin Beer calendars. OK I guess a better way would be to have two beautiful Belikin models autograph your calendar and then take a picture with you.

This is not the first time I’ve managed to score Belikin calender’s, but it is the first time I’ve got to meet some of the models. These are usually pretty big calendars and getting them back home safely could have been a problem, but a few years ago I figured out that two Pringle potato chip cans taped together make a great transport tube. I’ve found out that the bbq and the jalapeño chip cans make the best tubes, well not really, it’s just that’s the flavors we like.
The next couple pictures are of the rivers that are in our area. The picture where Kelley is standing is where the Mopan and the Macal rivers come together to form the Belize river. We were told by an expat who moved to Belize 30 years ago, that 100 plus pound tarpon would come up the river. He said that the locals would stretch a tennis net across the river to catch the tarpon. When the big fish would get to the net they would try to jump over and a guy on the shore would shoot them with a shotgun. Then they would retrieve the fish and use the meat to make empanadas and the fish scales they would sell as guitar picks to the tourists.

There is a rope swing along the river that is tied onto a big tree that the kids like to use. I’m sure most of us have tried a rope swing at sometime in our lives remembering how much fun it was and without a care in the world. Our only worries being, what if I don’t let go, what if I let go too soon or even worse what if I lose my swimsuit? I’m sure these are also some of the same worries the kids in Belize have, oh and one more thing, the chance of crocodiles. Seriously, crocodiles that would add a whole new thrill to the old rope swing down at the swimming hole.

You don’t usually see a lot of quads or atv’s in Belize so when I saw this one I had to get a picture. I assumed it was a Chinese made quad and they could not come up with an original name so they just picked two existing brands and combined the names. Yes that is a Kazuki.

Before the hurricane last summer there was a swing bridge that went across the river to a small community, but the bridge washed away when the river flooded. For now they have tied a rope across the river and pull a small boat back and forth taking people to the village as needed. The day we were there a motorcycle pulled up with a small child on the back wearing a big helmet and a backpack. The little kid jumps off the motorcycle, waved goodbye to his driver and then got into the boat, still wearing his helmet and backpack, he was shuttled across the river. All just part of life in Belize.

There was also a sign where the bridge use to be advertising a restaurant across the river. We thought it would be fun to take the boat across the river and have a beer, but the day we were there they were closed, so maybe next time.

As we were leaving a small restaurant one day we noticed that there was a nice metal Belikin beer sign on an old wooden post in the corner of the parking lot. So we went back in and asked the owner if she would be willing to sell it. She said no, but we could just have it if we wanted. We thanked her and I got out my Leatherman and started removing the nails. Of course the post was some type of hardwood and the nails would not come out. The lady saw I was having trouble and came back out with a claw hammer and that seemed to do the trick. She then asked us if we wanted a Belikin beer bucket, we said no thank you but she insisted and now we have a beer bucket.

Then there was a bus stuck in the mud on the road about a mile from our place. We don’t know how he got out, but a half hour later there was no sign of him anywhere.
That’s all for now, just a few pictures and stories that didn’t really fit in anywhere else.
Fascinating! Thanks.
Fun stuff.
Crocodiles to fly over, signs and buckets to get you thinking of beer, crazy 👀 looking quad….never a dull moment 👍😆
Love the pics and commentary !! I love your sense of humor or normal, not sure which….
Keep the pictures and stories coming. If I was 40 years younger I would go with you on your next visit. But since that isn’t happening I’ll depend on visiting Belize thru your eyes .