Made it to Belize with no problems, checked into where we are staying and then headed out to the property. Two years ago when we bought the property, the 12 mile road from San Ignacio to where we are was a slow rough dirt road. Six months ago when we were there, they were working on getting it all graded and smooth dirt, which was a major improvement. This time we headed down the road and it is all paved with guard rails and all. Not sure if this is good or bad but it will definitely be better on the vehicles in the long run.

By time we got to the property Ruben had all the plants in the road cut back down and ready for us to drive on. We spent the day reevaluating where the house would be and cutting in another spot where a small casita will go. We also had Ruben clean up some of the palms and other plants around the property. Kelley found some Philodendrums on the property that she planted around the palms in hopes that they will grow around them. Ruben also had brought out a couple of coconut trees from his farm for us.

Now that we have water run to the property who knows what else might show up. We also had a pineapple for breakfast one morning that we had got at the market, so I took the top out there and stuck it in the ground. Ruben says that without a doubt, we will have a thriving pineapple plant next time we are here.

After a day at the property it was time for a cold beer and something to eat, so into San Ignacio we go. As we got to the town square there seemed to be a Christmas celebration going on along with a small carnival and some games. I tried one game where you had to toss a coin onto a plate that was floating in a tub of water. If you won you got a six pack of beer or a live rabbit, since I already had beer guess which one I was going for? Of course I didn’t win, so I think the game was rigged, haha.

Coconut 🌴…Pineapple….sounds like the makings of yummy 😋 cocktails 🍹!!!! 👍👍😆😆
Need to talk to you about the price of land out there. Sounds like a hell of a place to retire !!
We’ll give you a call or shoot you an email when we get back next week.
I’m glad you started your pineapple plantation. Home Sweet Home!