This will be another short one as the connection is still not that great. In this case, where we are staying it was easier to go with a whole new internet provider than to find a new modem, (which I guess they should have done with a long time ago). Anyway we are making great progress on the property and the infrastructure, at this point we are waiting for the electric company to contact us so they can give an estimate of running poles out to us. It’s not all work, we are having a lot of fun and seeing a lot of neat and interesting stuff we have never seen or done before. At this point it looks like we won’t be posting any pictures or stories from our adventure until we get back home to Cholla, but I guarantee there will be a lot of pictures and interesting adventures.

Minor setback….carry on ????. Look forward to seeing your pictures.
Can’t wait to hear all about your visit… See you back in Cholla! If you find internet~ Enjoy the fun and adventures
Fruit was pretty tasty!
Is that passion in your eyes.? How was the fruit? Good luck on your new adventures.