Til next time

Our last day in Belize, off to say goodbye to Ruben and get him paid. One last walk around the property with him for some more knowledge about some of the plants and animals. He was quick to point out some of the big holes in the ground where he said Gibnuts and Armadillos live. He also pointed out some plants that have medicinal value.  We can not believe the amount of work he has done in the past week. He has got a nice waking path cleared around the perimeter of the property and 600′ of that is a small creek that runs after a good rain.  Ater this week he will get a burn pile together and get rid of all the cut debris and get us a nice clear road and place to put our house. Next trip we are planning on bringing in some gravel to lay down on the new road and possibly run water to the property line.



Went and checked out a rental house from a gal we had met at lunch the day before. Looks like it would be just what we would need for a longer stay.


Ended the day by going to our favorite steakhouse at the San Ignacio Resort. Lobster appetizer, thick juicy steaks and a bottle of Argentina wine. Great way to spend our last night in Belize. But wait, there was one more surprise, as we are sitting at our table the waiter comes over and points out a Kinkajou in the tree right next to us. Pretty cool since we haven’t seen a Kinkajou in the wild before.

Now we are sitting in a Houston hotel waiting for a Domino’s pizza to show up before we make our way back to Arizona and then home to Cholla.

Big change in scenery from where we were last week. For now it’s back to Cholla to figure out when we will get back to our jungle paradise.