The grandkids are coming!

The past few weeks we have been busy trimming, cleaning, planting, finishing up projects, and just overall tidying up around here. Besides all this stuff just needing to get done, Randy, Stacy, and our three grandkids were coming for a visit. The last time they were here was about five years ago and we had just cut an opening into the property. I’m sure at that point they were really beginning to questioning our sanity.

They arrived here safely just before the sun went down. After unpacking and settling in we gave them the quick tour. I think they were impressed with what we had done with the place since the last time there was absolutely nothing here but trees.

Pineapples and bananas fresh from the yard.

After a good night’s sleep, it was time to show them around the property and pick some fresh fruit. We ended up picking 11 pineapples and a bunch with over 100 bananas. The kids loved the fresh pineapple and ate them just about every day.

Luke and Tyler having fun in the jungle.

Besides exploring all the trails around our place there were a lot more adventures for the kids to have.

Tyler with some iguanas on his head.

We went to see the Iguanas at the Iguana Project where they raise them for release and also care for the injured ones. There you can handle them and feed them. The kids seemed to really like handling all the iguanas.

Luke and Randy with some big iguanas.

Then there was some zip-lining for the kids at The Bluff where they got to run around and play with other kids while we enjoyed lunch and a couple cold ones.

Tyler on a zip-line at The Bluff.

We took a walk over a suspension bridge where the Mopan and the Macal rivers come together to form the Belize River. Kelley will still not go on this bridge.

The bridge sways, especially when a motorcycle decides to go across.

We got the boys some nets so they could catch butterflies, moths, grasshoppers, and other insects. There were a lot of big insects around here, but the biggest was a huge walking stick that Luke let crawl on his head.

That is a big stick bug!

They enjoyed looking for birds and trying to catch lizards, frogs, and toads. One night Luke ended up catching a huge toad all by himself.

Luke catches the king toad.

Besides all this, we also visited a butterfly farm, the Belize Zoo, and a Mayan ruin. We kept an eye on the kids one day while mom and dad went with our friends to explore a cave. Of course, grandparents watching the kids something is bound to happen. Yes, Tyler came out of the garage too fast and flipped his jeep. No injuries, just a little scare.

After about a week up at our place, we headed over to Hopkins for a little bit of beach time.

Luke and Tyler looking for animals on the Sittee River.

The first full day in Hopkins we went on a river cruise up the Sittee River. Right off the start, we saw a big Crocodile by the dock where they were cleaning some fish.

A good size crocodile hiding under the dock.

After that, we continued up the river where there were lots of birds, big iguanas, and even a Coatimundi up in the trees. Luke turned out to be the best spotter, pointing out many of the iguanas.

A big beautiful male iguana showing colors trying to attract a mate.

We didn’t get to see any manatees, but it was still a great cruise up the Sittee River.

Sitting at a beach bar on the Caribbean, cold beer in front of you, kids playing on the beach. Looks like they are happy!

There was a storm passing through while we were there so the water was a little rough. Randy and Luke did manage to go snorkeling a little, but the visibility was bad because of the churned-up water.

Randy and Luke snorkeling.

Out on the second story of the Dock Bar, you can jump into the water if you dare. Randy decided that he would do it, he hesitated for a moment and then jumped. Then with no hesitation, Luke walks up and just goes for it. It was a big jump and probably the biggest adrenalin rush of Luke’s life so far.

Luke (age 7) jumps with many cheers from the crowd.

Even Allison had a great time just hanging out. I’m sure she was thinking I can’t wait till I can come back and do some of the stuff that my brothers are doing. And we can’t wait for her either.

Nana Kelley and Alli just hanging out.

There was also a side trip down to Placencia so they could check it out and to stop for a lobster grilled cheese sandwich. Since we were in Placencia we also had to stop for some delicious pineapple fritters. And of course, being in the Caribbean you know there had to be a few tropical cocktails.

Of course, there’s rum in there, I’m a parent.

I think everyone had a great time and a lot of new adventures, I know we did and can’t wait till next time!


3 thoughts on “The grandkids are coming!”

  1. Hi Dave and Kelley, so happy to see the whole family together! I know all 7 of you had a great time. πŸ’•πŸ’•

  2. What fantastic pictures πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Looks like a great time for all. Best memories πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ₯°

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