Caribbean – Ambergris CayeTapirOrb spiderBridge over the riverMaking corn tortillasBlue Morpho ButterflyA very small white frogSticky tree frogHeliconia also known as a Lobster ClawIguanas are everywhereToucanNice planterCave tubingCave tubingA monkey’s dreamEl CastilloCatch of the dayCatching bait for the dayPalapa Bar at nightThe market in San IgnacioHand crank ferry in Spanish LookoutTruly amazing!WELCOMEHawksworth BridgeFresh caught lobster lunch on the beachThe bridge into San IgnacioMural at the marketBig Rock FallsPinol SandsBeach at HopkinsMarie Sharp’s Hot Sauce factoryHowler monkeyThe Great Blue HoleThe flag of BelizeSorrelOne of the King’s passagesIguanaThe fun way to get across the river to Spanish LookoutHeading into San Antonio Village1000′ fallsWhere we areLocal market in San IgnacioMayan RuinMonkey FallsPassion Fruit flowerIguanas everywhereIguana
Heliconia FlowerCeiba TreeLobster for LunchBeautiful FishIguana SanctuaryMayan RuinJaguar KissZip-LiningCohune Palm FrondsDragon Fruit wrapped around a very tall treemmm, Fresh ConchCayo CountrysideBig leaves and lots of green plants