Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving in Belize? Yes, turkey dinners will be served at many of the resorts and restaurants around the country. This is probably due to the influence of Americans and American TV over the years.  And besides, who doesn’t need an excuse to eat a delicious meal and to give thanks. Too much food, drink and of course football is what many people will be doing in Belize on Thanksgiving day. Besides the traditional turkey meal, Belizean chefs will be putting their own tropical twist on it. Some of the delicious items I’ve seen on some of the menus are lobster cornbread stuffing, rum & mango glazed ham, cranberry stuffed pork loin with a lobster side, grilled duck breast, all kinds of vegetables and of course pumpkin desserts of all kinds. No matter what your taste is for Thanksgiving day you should be able to find something that will satisfy you.  After more than 50 turkey Thanksgivings maybe it’s time we start making it a tropical lobster Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving lobster

After all the food and football you can handle there is no sitting around a fireplace or shoveling snow. You can kick off you flip flops, throw on your swimsuit and head down to the beach for a little snorkeling, fishing, diving or just enjoying  happy hour at your favorite beach hangout. Of course if you’re not near the beach there are always Mayan ruins to check out, bird watching, exploring and of course there is always a local watering hole to hang with friends. It sure beats the hell out of a cold snowy Thanksgiving holiday.

We will be heading back down to Belize in about ten days to continue getting stuff done on the property, but before we get down to business we will spend a few days on the island for a little fishing and lobster eat’n. This will put us there in the Christmas season which is always a fun time in Belize.


A while back I posted a picture of some type of fruit or something that we saw at the open air market. After a little research I found out it is called a “sorrel” a member of the hibiscus family. Supposedly this is a super food that has healing properties, rich in vitamins and antioxidants. Then I find out that once a year Belikin makes a special holiday brew called Sorrel Stout. Now you can’t tell me this beer can’t be good for you. So our next trip down maybe we will go on a health kick and drink Sorrel Stout.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!