Greetings from Belize

Up at 4:00 am and ready to go. Got out of Phoenix early and headed to Dallas. Luke’s first airplane ride and he did great, and even got to take a picture with the captain up in the cockpit.

Lake's first airplane ride
Luke’s first airplane ride
Luck ' s first small plane fide
Luke’s first small plane fide

Quick lunch in Dallas and then off to Belize, another great trip for Luke. Once in Belize we had to catch a small puddle jumper out to the island. This time Randy got to ride copilot in the plane and Luke sat on grandpa’s lap. The girls sat in the back of the plane.

Finally some cold Belikin's
Finally some cold Belikin’s

Once we got to the island the first order of business was to get into more comfortable clothes and find a cold Belikin beer, which didn’t take long.

Stacy enjoying a Dirty Banana
Stacy enjoying a Dirty Banana

After that was a stroll down the beach, stopping for cold beer or dirty bananas or rum punches or mojitos or whatever else we could find and of course some water for Luke. We finished up the evening with dinner at the Blue Water Grill, which is only feet away from the Caribbean shore.

Luke's giant turtles ride
Luke’s giant turtles ride

Luke had a big day of ‘firsts’ today from, riding his first escalator, first tram car, first big airplane, first small airplane, sitting on giant turtles and manatees. That made for a long day, so hopefully we will sleep well tonight and be ready for more adventures tomorrow.

13 thoughts on “Greetings from Belize”

  1. Looks like a great first day! We will are watching for more updates, have fun and enjoy XOXO

  2. It all sounds so wonderful. I admire the fact that you had a dream and made it become reality.

  3. Great photo of Luke and the Captain, sounds like you’re off to a great start. Thanks for the commentary, looking forward to the next installment! Enjoy your trip!

  4. Wow! What a fun First day! That Dirty Banana looks really good….. Brad and and I are laughing about his manatee picture, lol!

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