Another great trip up North

We managed to escape up to Arizona for a couple of weeks for our annual Dr. checkups, see some friends, family, and have some fun. This time we were lucky to get out of Belize on time because of a big tropical storm that was right over the country. The day we were leaving they closed the port to all water taxis and to all small planes coming from the islands. They didn’t close the international airport to commercial jets which was good for us, but all the other tourists catching a boat or small plane from the islands didn’t make the flight home that day. The takeoff was a little rough, but in no time at all we were over the storm and had smooth cruising. For the short time we were gone, there was over 15″ of rain at our house.

Looking left off our front porch during a big rainfall.

While we were in Arizona the kids had planned a trip down to Puerto Peñasco, MX for a long weekend and to participate in a poker run. This was a great opportunity for us to head back down to where we used to live and see some friends. Kelley and I were going to do the poker run, but there were a lot of people to see in a short time that we hadn’t seen in a while. So we decided to pass on the poker run and do a little beach bar hopping and see some of our old friends.

Our favorite hangout with good friends in Cholla Bay, JJ’s Cantina.

It was a great weekend with nice sunny skies and warm weather on the shores of the Sea of Cortez. We saw so many friends that we hadn’t seen in a few years and a lot more that we hadn’t seen since we moved away over six years ago. A lot of our friends showed interest in coming down to Belize for a visit, now we just have to get them here to show them our new piece of paradise.

Luke, Tyler, Randy and Lowell on Gato Loco heading back from Cholla Bay.

One of the days while we were in Mexico, friends of ours Frankie and Lowell invited the whole Adams family for a day of sailing on their catamaran. This was the first time Randy, Stacy and the grandkids had ever been on a sailboat, and they all loved it.

Granddaughter Alli is loving the sailboat.

The weather couldn’t have been any better that day. Nice and warm, calm seas and enough wind to get the sails up. Just when our sail from the harbor over towards Cholla Bay couldn’t get any better, dolphin showed up. They were jumping in front of the boat and between the two hulls, literally right under the kid’s feet. It was a great day for everyone. Thanks again Frankie & Lowell for a fantastic day on the water.

The grandkids all set to go gather up as much candy as they can.

On Halloween, the grandkids got dressed up in their costumes they picked out this year, and they looked great. As they went door to door collecting candy we followed along in a golf cart keeping a close eye on them and giving them a ride between long stretches where there were no lights on the houses.

Margarita bark. Nothing wrong with a little tequila in your candy.

Kelley and I thought about all the candy that the kids were going to get, but what about us adults? So we made up some margarita bark candy. It consisted of white and green candy melts with some tequila, lime juice, and a little salt sprinkled on top. Stacy was in charge of passing it out on Halloween to the adult friends, and it seemed to be a big hit with everyone.

My bike is coming along great! And I’m having so much fun fixing it up.

Last time we were up in Arizona I picked up a 1977 Yamaha TT500. It needed a bunch of work, but it was a bike I’d always wanted when I was younger. I managed to locate some of the parts I needed and after a lot of work, it’s coming along. There is still a bunch more to do to it, but maybe next time we’re up there I’ll be able to take it for a spin.

Stacy getting the new instrument panel in. Which wire goes where?

It’s always a lot of fun to help the kids tinker on some of the old cars they have. One Saturday we spent most of the day on Stacy’s 77 year old International pickup truck. Randy and I worked on straightening out the grill, Kelley worked on some lights and Stacy worked on getting the gauges back in the dash. One thing I really miss living in Belize is working on old cars that you are in no rush to get them going.

Nick, Jim and Javier rocking the brewery.

On our last full day in Arizona, it just happened that Jim Dalton, Nick Scropos, and The Jons were playing at the San Tan Brewery. Of course we had to go see them, after all it was only ten minutes from the kid’s house. We got a table right up in front of the stage and enjoyed some great music and cold beers from the San Tan Brewery. The grandkids really got into the music once they started and little Alli was even dancing in the aisles.

The grandkids got a picture with Jim Dalton.

We had just seen all of these guys a few months ago when they were all playing down in San Pedro. After talking to them, they all said they can’t wait to get back to Belize next year for some more fun on the island. They have been playing in San Pedro around August for the past few years, and from what they said they will be there again this next year.  We also met up with a friend who was at the shows in San Pedro as well as a couple more friends from Mexico that hope to make it down next year. Maybe we’ll see some of you there come August, I know we’ll be there.

Lots of sunshine and a warm 85° outside.

Once we got back to the jungle after all the rains, we had clear, warm, sunny days. With all that rain and now a bunch of sunshine, all the plants are growing like crazy. After walking around the yard we noticed that some of the plants and trees have up to two feet of new growth. Earlier this year a friend of ours gave us some offshoots from a Hawaiian Orchid plant. With all the rain and sunshine they are starting to bloom. What’s great here is that everyone is more than willing to share their plants and cuttings with you.

Hawaiian Orchid.

There was a lot of cleanup to do around the house and yard after two weeks of heavy rains. Besides trimming trees and other plants, it was time to get some stuff planted in the garden. We waited until we got back to get more veggie seeds in the ground so that we could keep them moist in case there was no rain while we were gone. That wouldn’t have been a problem with all the rains, but I’m sure all the seeds would have washed away. We got a bunch of bush beans and kale into the ground. In seed trays, we put a hundred or so cayenne pepper seeds plus basil, sage and of course artichokes which we will try again. In the past, we have gotten artichoke plants to get about full size, but never produce anything. And then sometimes the plants would get a few inches tall and then die for no reason. Since we love artichokes so much, we will just keep trying to get them to grow since you can’t get fresh artichokes here in Belize.

Getting some bush beans planted. They should be ready by Christmas and will go great with prime rib.

Now that the rainy season is ending and the tourist season is here, it’s a great time to come for a visit. It gets a little congested this time of year around the coast, but it’s always very peaceful up where we are. You know we’ve got a guest house, so what are you waiting for?

It’s always a great escape up to the States to see family and friends, but like they say “There’s no place like home”.